25 July 2013

18 July: Tour of the Cardinals football stadium

We got up, rarin' to go.  We zoomed over to the Phoenix Cardinals NFL football stadium and went on the tour.  Way cool!  It's kind of weird looking from the outside (okay, really weird), but apparently it's supposed to be modelled after a type of cactus.  Hmm, OK.

Cardinals Football Stadium, Phoenix

Inside the "skin" there is a huge logo, and pictures of all season ticket holders when the stadium opened
Inside, of course it's impressive, you know with so many big screen displays, so many concessions, the ability to convert to this use and that use, blah blah  blah.

The coolest thing is that the field is real grass - and it's on a huge portable pad that's something like 120 yards long x 60 yards wide, which rolls into the stadium when needed, on hundreds of rail wheels!  When it's out, the floor is a nice flat concrete surface with the odd steel ribbon level in the floor, for the wheels to roll on (no raised rails or anything).  Way cool!

The football field, growing happily in the Arizona sun - rolls towards us into stadium when needed
We also tried to get a tour of the Phoenix Coyotes NHL hockey stadium (Coyotes being the former pre-1995 Winnipeg Jets), but the fellow who would give the tour wasn't in, and didn't return my call in time.  Oh, well.

We did some grocery shopping, chilled, and watched a movie.  It was a good day.

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