07 May 2013

In India: 07 May: Thank God it's.... Tuesday?

Tuesday was an average day.  I worked on both projects, we made plans for tomorrow's visit to the test lab.  We'll be at the office Wednesday morning, then over to the lab for the afternoon.  We are planning to put together two systems that represent the setup of our best results so far, then test them as a baseline.  Then we'll get the changes underway for the next generation of boards.  We'll just assume that we can't get there with these ones, and use our best information, knowledge and experience, to get close.

Today again I walked over to the Royal Minaksha Mall on my own, for lunch.  I wandered a bit, ended up at TGI Friday's, was quite...  American.  Just what I needed.  My body's on a bit of a revolt.  Not that Indian food is a problem, just that I need some - um - more "traditional fare", at least traditional for me, some of the time.

On the way to the mall, I noticed a lot of styrofoam around on the back road I was taking.  I'd been down here several times, this time looked... ugly with all that styrofoam.

On the way back from the mall, I saw a woman carrying  a basket of goods on her head.  She was so graceful, it seemed effortless.  I'm pretty sure I couldn't do that!

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