25 December 2010

Christmas eve Mass in Spanish! - 24 December

We went to a Spanish Roman Catholic Mass at a local church just off the town square tonight.  I didn't understand a word they said, but it was very nice just the same.  Well, I attended many Roman Catholic Masses in English in my youth, so I know the sections and responses, but it's tough when it's in a completely different language and spoken through a muffled sound system.

You can barely see the children's choir up front right, with Santa Claus hats and scarves

The front of the church

The window glass opens, and when closed only covers about two thirds of the window, the rest is wrought iron covered - doesn't really keep the rain out!

The service was at 20h00, and we arrived 20 minutes early.  The place was practically empty, but there was a youth choir practicing, and with the priest and elders of the church making ready at the front, we knew that the service was imminent.  By the time the service started, the pews were full.  20 minutes into the service, the entire church was packed and there were people standing outside the doors!

The couple that sat down beside us were asking if this was considered a Christmas service.  I didn't know, but an older Spanish lady came and sat down beside them, and they enquired of her.  When it came to passing the peace, he jubilantly advised me that it was the second Christmas service of the day, and that he was "covered".  I chuckled and told them that we didn't worry about such things, being Protestant, they advised that they had figured so.  They were from Vancouver.  Well, they took communion and bolted right afterward and didn't even wait for the end of the service.  Wow.

As I write this, a spirited game of dominoes is being played out on the patio.  It sounds like Eric is not doing well, the cousins are beating the pants off of him!

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